Well, we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little boy, but we were hoping he would hold out until after my last week of work and Catlin's wedding. And what a good little boy he is...he came just when I wanted him too.
We had just gotten home from the reception and had eaten some dinner when my water broke(about 10:15 or 10:30). I wasn't 100% sure, but it didn't take long to confirm it. Once I told Derrick, he went into action and helped me get the kids ready to go to Mom's with Uncle Yaeger. I already had my bag and the baby's bag packed, so we were good there.
I called Mom to tell her and she answered the phone saying:
Mom: "Did your water break?"
Mom: "Did your water break?"
Me: "Yes."
Mom: "You're kidding!"
Me: Nope, and I'm feeling pressure."
So she sent Yaeger over to get the kids and we headed to the hospital. Well, once we got there, my labor pretty much stopped so I walked around for about an hour, and still wasn't really getting anywhere. I was frustrated because the other two kids came within 4 hours, so I decided to have them give me Pitocen, but at the lowest dose. And boy did it work. I went from a 5 (i was already dilated to 5 when I got there and 70% thinned) to a 7 in about 1 1/2 hours then the nurse put me in her magic position and I finished dilating in about 20 minutes. Those last 20 minutes about did me in, but I knew I didn't have a choice but to do it, so with the help of my mom and Derrick, I made it.
Kennedy had never even heard a baby's heart beat, so she was pretty excited to be there.

Here he is:
Lukas Layne Turner
March 13, 2010
4:17 A.M.
5 lbs 13.9 oz.
19 inches