It's been 16 months since my last post...but since we got a new computer, I can upload pics again without it freezing so I am going to attempt to update you all on what happened last year. Looking back at the pictures I can't believe how much they've all changed. Zadie is now in Kindergarten and is such a big helper...I can't believe she is six! Anyway...Hope you enjoy our year in review. I'll try to be better in 2012 about keeping it up to date!

First day of Kindergarten

Jan 2011-our annual New Year's Day snowmobiling trip. It was WAY TOO COLD to go, but we had fun anyway-we went with Brandon, Shaleen, Blake and Becky.

Sledding with the cousins in Big Piney

Mr. Romeo-3 years old

Lukas #1-Wow how the year flew by!
Isn't he so cute!!!!
Romeo taught himself how to stand on his head so we had to get a picture of him, Kennedy and Dad displaying their talents.
Easter Egg Hunt with all the cousins at Mom's house
Easter Morning-all dolled up.
Supercross-Annual tradition. Derrick, Brandon, Blake and Romeo

Romeo's electrical tape casts-isn't daddy creative??
We went to Mississippi in May for a week to see Jessie and their family. We went to the zoo, the ocean and ate lots of great food. It was so much fun we can't wait to go back! We didn't even mind the 27 hour drive!!!

After our day at the ocean

Swimming with Denton's family...don't you just love the goggles. This is one of my favorite pics!

Zadie is still beautiful, even when we're fishing!

Eating at Del Sol our last night in Hattiesburg.

Lukas playing with the goggles on. He thinks they're motorcycle goggles.

Captaining Papa's boat

Bar J Wranglers-While camping up Gray's River in July, Papa Layne got antsy and decided to take us to Jackson on an excursion. We went and saw the Bar J Wranglers and had a great time together.

The kids loved playing in the hammock we had set up outside our camper. It was quite relaxing!

Only in Wyoming...Snow and Flowers.
Love that cheeto face!! Grandma let Lukas loose and he was a dirty mess! But I guess anything goes when you're camping, right? As long as we're all having fun.

Romeo's first day of preschool! Isn't he handsome?

Lukas posing with his beanie and sunglasses. He thought he was quite a stud. He still loves to look at himself!

Our beautiful babies...We couldn't be more blessed.