Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Five Generations

On Christmas Day Great Grandma Vida came to dinner at Mom's house. She looks so pretty with the coursage Catlin had made for her. We got a five generation picture and I think we're a pretty good looking group! :)
Zadie just had to get in on this one. Grandma Marcia, Mom (Grandma Shellie), Zadie, Mommy (Me), Romeo and Great Great Grandma Vida.


  1. What a sweet picture! Your kids are adorable! Wishing you a Happy New Year full of happiness!

  2. Hi Sami,
    I remembered your blog address, and thought I would say hi. Great Blog!!!! The kids are so cute, and they are getting so big. Hope you don't mind if I take peeks at your blog;) Check ours out anytime.
