We took the kids to a pumpkin patch in Naples to pick out pumpkins to carve for Halloween night. Zadie was more interested in posing for the camera.

Mr. Romeo-he kept telling me "it heavy, mom..."

Shelbe & Zadie

Miss Zadie..posing again

We had a lot of fun carving the pumpkins. We got a kit with different pictures and Zadie chose the trick or treat pattern. It was pretty tricky to do with her. And thanks to Derrick for cleaning out the pumkins...yuck. That isn't a fun job but he did it anyway.

Isn't her smile priceless??

Mr. Romeo helping Derrick clean out the pumkins

I must be the only parent who thinks their kids are the cutest :)...but who can argue with me?

The finished products...two of them anyway.

For Halloween Zadie dressed up like Ariel from the Little Mermaid and Romeo was a pirate...not a very happy one since I had to wake him up from his nap, but a cute one! Zadie again loved posing for the camera. She kept telling me to take another picture. I can't believe how beautiful she looked and the transformation that came with a little red lipstick. Wow!!
so cute sam! I love your kids I can't believe how big they are getting!