Friday, April 16, 2010

Zadie's First Soccer Game

Last Saturday was Zadie's first soccer game and she was so excited to play. (I think Derrick was excited too because he took about a hundred pics!) With kids this age, they mostly just run around following the ball in a pack. Zadie did get a couple kicks in. We were really proud of her!

Her fans....and Lukas' first soccer game
Romeo & Brandon
Misty, Trevan, Ryan & Jaren
Papa Layne & Romeo
Romeo getting a drink of Zadie's gatorade...
Such concentration....
Getting treats after the game.

1 comment:

  1. Now we get to start over with the grandkids. That's what life is, one big circle. I look forward to every moment, dance, game, special event, etc. It's the best part of life for grandma!
