Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our BUSY Weekend!

This weekend was SuPeR bUsY but sooo much fun! We started off by driving to Provo to eat at Ruby River for Derrick's birthday-for those of you who don't know who he is, he is amazing! He has helped me to see the world in a different way and I can't help but be happy. After dinner we drove to our hotel in Salt Lake. That was a long trip for the kiddies, but they did GREAT!! After a good night's rest, Ricci and I got to run the 5K in Salt Lake. We met Ricci at her hotel where I left Derrick to get Zadie and Romeo and all their gear to the finish line. He did awesome!! He definitely scored some major points there :). So, here are our pics from this past weekend.
Here is Ricci after her race. She finished in 24:26-187th overall-and she's almost 5 months prego!! Way to go Ricci!!
Here are the kids with Derrick at the finish line. They were such good travelers this weekend. Romeo only had a couple screaming fits :)
Here I am after the race. No one saw me go through so I had to go back to the finish line and pose for them. I finished in 30:32 without any training-and I beat my time from San Francisco by 6 minutes! Ricci and I tried to run together once, but I got a major side ache so we ended up walking & talking most of it. So I think I did pretty well. It was a lot of fun-I definitely want to do another one soon!
After the race we did some shopping then got back in the truck to head to Big Piney, Wyoming to see Derrick's family for his birthday. I was a little nervous, but for no reason. They were great and a lot of fun to be around. Here are pictures of the kids in the truck between Utah and Wyoming. Romeo had fallen asleep and his head was propped on a pillow so that's why his hair is sticking straight up. He is so cute.
Zadie was an angel in the truck as long as she had treats and a movie going. When I put Taylor Swift on, she sang the whole album with me. She is so precious!!
Here I am with Derrick-we had such a good time this weekend. The whole trip was fun; even the car ride. We talked and sang and laughed. He is so much fun to be around. I'm grateful I met him. (Thanks Scott and Marcie!)
When we got to Big Piney we bundled up and went for a ride on Derrick's four wheeler. It was super chilly, but Romeo still wanted to take his turn driving. Everytime he's around a steering wheel, that's what he has to do. Derrick was a good sport and stayed outside with him while I went in and got warm.
Derrick and I at Layne and Rosie's house after church. After we had lunch we loaded up and headed back to Vernal. We put about 700 miles in this weekend, but it was a lot of fun!
We had to make it back for the monthly birthday celebration. We celebrated Scott, Tanner, Misty Ranae, Jayk and Derrick's birthdays. Happy Birthday everyone!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Morning

Looks like the Easter Bunny found our house! Such a nice Bunny!Zadie got some Ariel shoes and is in love with them. It was a fierce competition between the shoes and her dress for the favorite!!
Romeo just loved the candy. He couldn't have cared less about anything else in that basket! :)
Yummy M&M's. His jammies were totally orange by the time he got out of them. He couldn't get enoug of the candy!
The Easter Bunny brought each of the kids a minky blanket to use in the car since we have to take their big blankies everywhere. These will be much nicer to travel with!
Still a little sleepy! Look at his swollen eyes.

Zadie modeling her Ariel shoes. Gotta love her jammies/garments!
Zadie and Mommy posing in our Easter clothes. She loves taking pictures and the camera loves her!!
The two cutest kids around. Hopefully best friends forever. Romeo had just woken up so his face was a little red from the blanket. Notice the scab on his nose-Zadie got a little wild on her bike and ran him over. He has a little road rash on his face from the driveway-oops! Nex time he'll stay out of her way!
About this time our neighbor's dogs started barking. He loves those dogs!

More Easter Pictures

Zadie and Shelbe-Shelbe and Brody wanted to use their Halloween pumpkins for the egg hunt-CUTE!!
Here we are coloring Easter eggs. Catlin and Misty Ranae were in charge and they did awesome! Zadie, Sela, Gracie and Shelbe
Jett, Karlie, Jaren and Brody-Jaren was hogging the colors and he kept putting two eggs in the cups. Never a dull moment when he's around!

I can't get over that smile!! BeAuTiFuL!
I got the idea for these cupcakes in a magazine. Aren't they pretty-I had to share them with everyone. They were lots of fun for Zadie and I to make and decorate.

Romeo wouldn't stay out of Zadie's basket. So of course Zadie had to do it as well. Love 'em!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are all the kids at the starting line at Grandma Critton's. It was raining outside so we had to hide all the eggs inside. They were EvErYwHeRe!! Derrick ran out if hiding spots so he just lined the eggs up in front of the fireplace. I think Jaren found those eggs and made a haul!

Romeo wanted to eat the eggs instead of finding more. Here he is crawling under the couch (and Derrick's feet) to get to another egg.

Here are all the kids down in Grandma's den looking in the shoes for more candy. There were crazy kids everywhere! Look at all the eggs Zadie found! Isn't she beautiful?
Romeo was so excited to eat the candy he couldn't even wait to get the wrapper off!
Look at all the grandkids with their gOoDiEs! They were all sick by the end of the afternoon.
Sela, Trevan, Gracie, Romeo, Zadie, Shelbe, Brody and Jaren.

What We've Been Up To

It's been such a long time since I've posted anything I thought I better catch everyone up. We are so happy to have spring time here-wish it was warm every day, but we'll take what we can get. We've been able to take a couple walks in the stroller and visits to the park, but we're looking forward to more. The kids love playing outside-Romeo DOES NOT like to come in! He is definitely starting to show his personality-still adorable though! So here are a few pictures of the kids-Enjoy!
Romeo being silly eating his lunch. He is so happy-when Mama's around!
Christy and I got together to make bows and the girls dressed up. Aren't they the prettiest princesses around! We think so!

Zadie is such a good big sister. Here she is shoveling noodles down Romeo's throat. She really couldn't feed him fast enough. Romeo lights up whenever she's in the room. He can't wait for her to wake up in the morning. Hopefully they always love each other like that!

Romeo climbing on his crib-He gets on everything!! Including the backs of the toilets!