Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our BUSY Weekend!

This weekend was SuPeR bUsY but sooo much fun! We started off by driving to Provo to eat at Ruby River for Derrick's birthday-for those of you who don't know who he is, he is amazing! He has helped me to see the world in a different way and I can't help but be happy. After dinner we drove to our hotel in Salt Lake. That was a long trip for the kiddies, but they did GREAT!! After a good night's rest, Ricci and I got to run the 5K in Salt Lake. We met Ricci at her hotel where I left Derrick to get Zadie and Romeo and all their gear to the finish line. He did awesome!! He definitely scored some major points there :). So, here are our pics from this past weekend.
Here is Ricci after her race. She finished in 24:26-187th overall-and she's almost 5 months prego!! Way to go Ricci!!
Here are the kids with Derrick at the finish line. They were such good travelers this weekend. Romeo only had a couple screaming fits :)
Here I am after the race. No one saw me go through so I had to go back to the finish line and pose for them. I finished in 30:32 without any training-and I beat my time from San Francisco by 6 minutes! Ricci and I tried to run together once, but I got a major side ache so we ended up walking & talking most of it. So I think I did pretty well. It was a lot of fun-I definitely want to do another one soon!
After the race we did some shopping then got back in the truck to head to Big Piney, Wyoming to see Derrick's family for his birthday. I was a little nervous, but for no reason. They were great and a lot of fun to be around. Here are pictures of the kids in the truck between Utah and Wyoming. Romeo had fallen asleep and his head was propped on a pillow so that's why his hair is sticking straight up. He is so cute.
Zadie was an angel in the truck as long as she had treats and a movie going. When I put Taylor Swift on, she sang the whole album with me. She is so precious!!
Here I am with Derrick-we had such a good time this weekend. The whole trip was fun; even the car ride. We talked and sang and laughed. He is so much fun to be around. I'm grateful I met him. (Thanks Scott and Marcie!)
When we got to Big Piney we bundled up and went for a ride on Derrick's four wheeler. It was super chilly, but Romeo still wanted to take his turn driving. Everytime he's around a steering wheel, that's what he has to do. Derrick was a good sport and stayed outside with him while I went in and got warm.
Derrick and I at Layne and Rosie's house after church. After we had lunch we loaded up and headed back to Vernal. We put about 700 miles in this weekend, but it was a lot of fun!
We had to make it back for the monthly birthday celebration. We celebrated Scott, Tanner, Misty Ranae, Jayk and Derrick's birthdays. Happy Birthday everyone!!


  1. Wow Sami! Good for you for running that 5K! I should try one of those sometime, but the thought of it makes me tired. You are looking SO SKINNY girl!

  2. I'm so proud of you! You'll have to train me someday when I move home and me, you and Cat can all run them together. I hate running! You and Derrick look so cute! You're so gorgeous and happy. I can just see it in your eyes! I love you and I'm so happy for you!
