Monday, June 22, 2009


Over Memorial Day weekend all the family braved the rain and went camping at Altonah. Even with the cold and rain, we had a blast!! We rode four wheelers and motorcycles, played on the swings and ate LOTS of great food. The camp ground is the homestead of our great great grandparents-we are so grateful to have it. There are lots of memories from all the years spent camping there. Here is a glimpse of our good time-beware...There are TONS of pictures!!!
Derrick and JarBear on the motorcycle. We couldn't keep him off. Romeo loved it too!!
Beautiful Zadie May. This was taken the last day there. You can tell by this smile how much fun we have there.
Lately Romeo has fallen in love with playing catch. He has gotten really good at throwing, he even has a huge wind up. Isn't he cute!
Here the kids are on the swings. Even if it was raining, they still wanted to swing. They begged anyone who would to push them. It was the same way when I was little.
Derrick, Romeo and I the last morning, right before the big rain storm.
The kids had been sick before we went camping, so the first day, Romeo just wanted to lay around. Well, so did Mom. Here they are taking a little snooze. That's what's great about Altonah-we can just relax and have a good time-and eat... A LOT!!
Jessie and I
Grandma and Romeo-just a swingin'
Jess and Layla
Romeo, Zadie and MommyEvery year there is a pinata for the kids to demolish. Usually Zadie is too shy, but this time she gave it a few good wacks with my help. She even broke it enough to get out the first tootsie roll. That made her day :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the tradition continues. That's exactly what grandpa duck built Altonah for. That will keep our family together!
