Friday, June 26, 2009

AnNiVeRsArY Pictures

Since Jessie and her family were in town, we had to get pictures of all grandkids. I think you'll all agree with me that they are the cutest around!! We had to take lots of pictures of the group to get just one good one, but it turned out AwEsOmE!!! Thanks so much Ricci and Steph!

Mister Romeo

Zadie May

My Kiddies

Shelbe & Brody

Little Layla (or Lancela as I call her :))

And since we were having a surprise 30th anniversary party for Mom and Dad, we thought they would like a new picture of all their kids. They turned out better than any professional ones we've ever had. Ricci took out into a field by this abandoned shed and wahlah!

Jayk & Yaeger... so HaNdSoMe
The Girls...Sharing a little LaUgH

Being a little goofy

Isn't it WoNdErFuL


  1. Great photos...what a beautiful family. Thanks for inviting us to the party, it was so fun. I love your parents, they are so great.

  2. love 'em. they turned out great. 'n' ur lookin' hotter than ever!!

  3. We have such BEAUTIFUL kids and grandkids!
