It's been such a long time since I've posted anything I thought I better catch everyone up. We are so happy to have spring time here-wish it was warm every day, but we'll take what we can get. We've been able to take a couple walks in the stroller and visits to the park, but we're looking forward to more. The kids love playing outside-Romeo DOES NOT like to come in! He is definitely starting to show his personality-still adorable though! So here are a few pictures of the kids-Enjoy!

Romeo being silly eating his lunch. He is so happy-when Mama's around!

Christy and I got together to make bows and the girls dressed up. Aren't they the prettiest princesses around! We think so!

Zadie is such a good big sister. Here she is shoveling noodles down Romeo's throat. She really couldn't feed him fast enough. Romeo lights up whenever she's in the room. He can't wait for her to wake up in the morning. Hopefully they always love each other like that!

Romeo climbing on his crib-He gets on everything!! Including the backs of the toilets!
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