Monday, June 29, 2009

Grad Night RaNdOmNeSs

This year we had to go to Graduation again-this time for Creedzo. I can't believe that he is almost 19 and getting ready to go on a mission. Crazy how fast time flies. I'm sure it's even faster for Marcie...These are just some pictures of the family at the BBQ they had for Creedon, Candace and Cahill.

Zadie, Me, Creedon, Derrick

Catlin, Jeff and Layla
Woody and Misty Ranae

Misty Lee and Ryan

Derrick and I

Jayk, Christy and Brody

Jessie, Zadie and I


A few weeks ago Misty & Ryan went out to the Oquirrah Mountain Temple open house so I watched Jaren & Sela for them. Since we already had them, Shelbe stayed the night too. We just made a big bed on the floor and tucked them in. When they fell asleep, they were all in a row....
In the morning when we woke up, they were all over the place. Jaren was the only one in the same spot. Sela was laying on top of her pillow, Zadie was at the bottom, and Shelbe was clear over on the side.

Sela dressed herself in Zadie's Cinderella dress. She put her arm through the buttons in the back. Isn't she cute!By the time Misty & Ryan got home the next evening, Derrick and I were ExHaUsTeD!!!! What a day we had feeding them, taking them to the park and then to the lake and trying to get them home safe. 5 kids 4 and under is definitely a work out!!

Lake Fun

Dad has been so excited to go to the lake, but the weather hasn't exactly cooperated with him. We took the boat out a few weeks ago and as soon as we got there, the sun went down and the wind picked up, but Dad wanted to sky ski, so he braved the cold water.
This is right when he jumped in-looks COLD, huh!

Showing us his stuff on the sky ski...

Now he has to get warm!!!

Zadie May-pretty little girl

Derrick and I
Catlin and Romeo-he loves when Papa goes fast!

Christy and Brody

This is a video of Dad on the sky ski. He' still got it! Love ya Dad!

Friday, June 26, 2009

AnNiVeRsArY Pictures

Since Jessie and her family were in town, we had to get pictures of all grandkids. I think you'll all agree with me that they are the cutest around!! We had to take lots of pictures of the group to get just one good one, but it turned out AwEsOmE!!! Thanks so much Ricci and Steph!

Mister Romeo

Zadie May

My Kiddies

Shelbe & Brody

Little Layla (or Lancela as I call her :))

And since we were having a surprise 30th anniversary party for Mom and Dad, we thought they would like a new picture of all their kids. They turned out better than any professional ones we've ever had. Ricci took out into a field by this abandoned shed and wahlah!

Jayk & Yaeger... so HaNdSoMe
The Girls...Sharing a little LaUgH

Being a little goofy

Isn't it WoNdErFuL

Monday, June 22, 2009

The CuTeSt Kids eVeR!

Derrick got the camera out one day and started snapping pictures. Romeo had just finished eating and was being silly. This look is priceless!!
Zadie posing with the crayon-she was pretending she didn't notice the camera-
but we know she did!!

One morning Zadie asked if she could wear her cheerleading outfit-for the day. So, I let her and after she got dressed, she told me to get the camera out and take her picture. She's got a little bit of Aunt Jessie in her! Look at that pose!! :)

One Sunday night after the bath, I put Zadie's hair in braids like Mom used to do to me. She looked so cute with them in, I almost left it. But look at her after-AdOrAbLe!!!!

Mister Romeo

Zadie May
Just another example of her love for the camera-and its love for her!!

Romeo loves dinner time. He's a little guy, but boy can he eat!! And he's getting pretty good at feeding himself, but sometimes he gets a little messy. He's still cute though!! Look at him after his chocolate chip cookie-he makes it look tasty!
Zadie and Papa, after a long, hard day. Dad came over for dinner since Mom was in Cedar City for summer games, and afterwards, Zadie wanted him to snuggle with her on the couch. It didn't take long for them to zonk out. They're so cute!

More Altonah Pictures

Here is Dad with Sela and the grand kids going for a four-wheeler ride. Comfy huh?

Derrick took me out and gave me shooting lessons with his .45 pistol and his rifle. I was a little nervous to pull the trigger the first time, but after that, it was AWESOME!! My first shot with the pistol I hit the bottle-it exploded all over. Derrick wa stoked and I was pretty proud. I shot the cans with the rifle. It was a little easier since I could rest it on the windshield of the prowler, and fun too. We'll definitely be practicing shooting again. I'm addicted!!
Derrick and I after my shooting lessons.


Over Memorial Day weekend all the family braved the rain and went camping at Altonah. Even with the cold and rain, we had a blast!! We rode four wheelers and motorcycles, played on the swings and ate LOTS of great food. The camp ground is the homestead of our great great grandparents-we are so grateful to have it. There are lots of memories from all the years spent camping there. Here is a glimpse of our good time-beware...There are TONS of pictures!!!
Derrick and JarBear on the motorcycle. We couldn't keep him off. Romeo loved it too!!
Beautiful Zadie May. This was taken the last day there. You can tell by this smile how much fun we have there.
Lately Romeo has fallen in love with playing catch. He has gotten really good at throwing, he even has a huge wind up. Isn't he cute!
Here the kids are on the swings. Even if it was raining, they still wanted to swing. They begged anyone who would to push them. It was the same way when I was little.
Derrick, Romeo and I the last morning, right before the big rain storm.
The kids had been sick before we went camping, so the first day, Romeo just wanted to lay around. Well, so did Mom. Here they are taking a little snooze. That's what's great about Altonah-we can just relax and have a good time-and eat... A LOT!!
Jessie and I
Grandma and Romeo-just a swingin'
Jess and Layla
Romeo, Zadie and MommyEvery year there is a pinata for the kids to demolish. Usually Zadie is too shy, but this time she gave it a few good wacks with my help. She even broke it enough to get out the first tootsie roll. That made her day :)