Monday, June 22, 2009

The CuTeSt Kids eVeR!

Derrick got the camera out one day and started snapping pictures. Romeo had just finished eating and was being silly. This look is priceless!!
Zadie posing with the crayon-she was pretending she didn't notice the camera-
but we know she did!!

One morning Zadie asked if she could wear her cheerleading outfit-for the day. So, I let her and after she got dressed, she told me to get the camera out and take her picture. She's got a little bit of Aunt Jessie in her! Look at that pose!! :)

One Sunday night after the bath, I put Zadie's hair in braids like Mom used to do to me. She looked so cute with them in, I almost left it. But look at her after-AdOrAbLe!!!!

Mister Romeo

Zadie May
Just another example of her love for the camera-and its love for her!!

Romeo loves dinner time. He's a little guy, but boy can he eat!! And he's getting pretty good at feeding himself, but sometimes he gets a little messy. He's still cute though!! Look at him after his chocolate chip cookie-he makes it look tasty!
Zadie and Papa, after a long, hard day. Dad came over for dinner since Mom was in Cedar City for summer games, and afterwards, Zadie wanted him to snuggle with her on the couch. It didn't take long for them to zonk out. They're so cute!


  1. Those pictures are cute! Looks like alot of fun.

  2. That first picture of Romeo is so cute!

  3. Zadie is the spitting image of her mama when you were little. It makes me cry. I miss those days!
