Friday, April 16, 2010

**BiKeS, fRiEnDs, and TrAmPoLiNeS**

A few weeks ago Derrick came home with this cute little bike for Romeo. It doesn't have pedals so they use their feet to move and it helps them learn balance. He was a little shaky at first, but now he cruises around everywhere and he even lifts his feet up like he's doing tricks. The first thing he tells me every morning is that he wants to go ride his bike, even when it's cold. I am so glad that the weather is getting warmer because they spend a lot of their time outside. Yippee!
One day they were playing outside and it was a little chilly so Zadie came in to get her gloves. Well, so did Romeo. I didn't notice until later that he had two different colors on. So cute!

Zadie and her friend Riley. They love to pose for pictures.
Romeo and Mason
Easter Sunday-Derrick and the kids couldn't wait to get the trampoline up so they could use it. The kids stayed out the whole time to help him. If you could call it that :) He is such a good daddy!

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